Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be in shape to join?
Absolutely not! This is probably the biggest misconception when it comes to joining a CrossFit gym. A lot of people can be intimidated at first, but they often find out that it’s a massive amount of fun! We have members of all ages and at varying levels of physical fitness. The best thing about CrossFit is that it is infinitely scale-able. Not everyone can do a push-up when they start, and that’s totally fine! Our job is to get you to your goals while also having a good time.
I’ve never lifted weights! Do I have to?
Well, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to obviously, BUT lifting weights is not scary and we’re here to teach you. Our on ramp class is CrossFit 101, which is required prior to joining our regular classes. During this course, you will learn how to lift properly and with confidence. We start by using lightweight PVC pipes to get the basic fundamental movements down. Even if you are not comfortable or unsure of your movements after 101, don’t worry! Each class is a learning opportunity - our coaches will ensure that you’re doing the movements with good form and can modify anything to ensure that you still get a great workout. As info, our SWEAT class is a great workout without barbell work.
Do I have to take CrossFit 101 to join your gym?
Nope. If you have the fundamental movements down you’re good to go. CrossFit 101 is reserved for people who have never done CrossFit, are unsure of what’s entailed in a typical CrossFit workout, or for anyone who simply wants a detailed refresher on the basic lifts.
I like to do individual work. Do you have open gym?
Sure do! We have open gym times pretty much every day. Check our schedule here to find a good time. Open gym times are often held at the same time as classes. If you choose to work out on your own, we ask that you do things that don’t require a spotter (heavy bench presses come to mind) and that you choose an area that doesn’t interfere with an ongoing class.
Can I bring my child(ren)?
Yes you can! We have CrossFit kids/teens classes on Saturdays that they can join, but if you have little ones and need to bring them while you workout, you can definitely do so. Again, our only requirement is that the kids stay off of the mats (for safety reasons). We have some books and toys in a play area for entertainment purposes at the gym. Just as info, there is no babysitter so you will need to keep an eye on them.
Why should I choose this gym? What makes you different?
For starters, all of our coaches are extremely experienced (check out their credentials here) and incredibly approachable. Superior form in all movements is ingrained into all of our members - we do not want anyone getting injured, particularly doing something they’re not ready for. Poor coaches have given CrossFit a bad reputation, which is sad because it is such a functional way to get fit and stay healthy. In addition to our focus on form and expertise, we believe that our pricing is extremely reasonable and we are confident that you will see results if you stick with it. We’re also a fun community to hang out with!
How do I get started?
Yay! You can fill out our online form here, you can take a tour and ask us questions, or you can simply just show up. You don’t need anything special to workout with us. Just wear comfortable clothes and shoes!